I’m an enthusiastic writer and artist who spends far too much time lost in her imagination. In addition to being a long-time professional writer, editor, and photographer, I am obsessed with ancient mythology, space travel, worldbuilding, video games, animals, books, great television, criminal psychology, rainbows, and little glass and stone trinkets.
Full disclosure: This is a 2-hour game. It took me at least 8 hours to complete it the first time around, but I loved every second of it and eventually figured out WTF I was doing.
This is one of those ridiculous gems that never ceases to entertain. Someone in a rather convincing dino costume running an obstacle course shouldn’t be this funny, but I laughed myself to tears watching it.
It’s hard to review these books as the “trilogy” they were marketed as. Ancillary Justice was a phenomenal, riveting novel, but sadly, I can’t say the same of its two sequels.
I know I’ve been slow about updating lately, but in my defense I’m at the gym 4-6 days a week and it’s hard to find time to come home and write about it afterwards. Luckily, I have important new things to discuss.
I generally love books of this genre, particularly those that get inside the killer’s head, so I was really looking forward to reading this. Unfortunately, I wrote a better thriller when I was twelve.
Stripes and Sexism