Fear is a luxury.

Extended trailer for season one, looking at Sam’s return to the family business, the boys’ search for their father, and their endless struggle with the tragic lives they lead. (July 20th, 2007)
“In the House, In a Heartbeat” by John Murphy

A Brother’s Destiny
Theatrical trailer for the second season, dealing with the conflict between the two brothers as they struggle to move on without their father. Slammed with the terrible truth about Sam, they are forced to confront and fight against his disturbing destiny. (December 29th, 2008)
“Prologue” by Immediate Music
“Dark Side of Power” by Immediate Music

All Hell Breaks Loose
Short trailer for season three, highlighting the war that’s broken out and the coming apocalypse that goes along with it. More of a flashy teaser to give a general sense of what the third season looks and feels like. Things are about to get darker than ever. (January 3rd, 2009)
“Red Omen” by Two Steps From Hell

Theatrical trailer for season 3, focusing on Dean’s decision to sell his soul and the psychological consequences for both of the boys as Sam risks everything to save him from hell and Dean comes to terms with the consequences of his choices. (January 11th, 2009)
“Scallop Pond” by X-Ray Dog
“Army of Doom” by X-Ray Dog

What Do You Believe?
Short promo for the season two episode “Houses of the Holy,” a beautifully moving and emotional story where the brothers encounter a powerful entity that Sam believes to be an avenging angel while Dean insists that it’s nothing more than an angry spirit, which causes a rift between the two hunters. This episode remains one of my favorites from the entire series. (January 11th, 2009)
“Solemn Vows” by Audiomachine

No Place Like Home
Short promo for the outstanding season two episode “What Is and What Should Never Be,” the alternate reality episode where Dean tussles with a genie and his greatest wish is granted, resulting in a nightmare that he never could have anticipated. (January 9th, 2009)
“Grisly Reminder” by Midnight Syndicate